Zim economy: Mugabe asks the West for help

Mail & Guardian
For first time in over 15 years, Mugabe openly asked for Western re-engagement in the ailing Zimbabwe economy in his State of the Nation address.

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe delivers his first State of the Nation address in eight years. (AFP)
Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe delivers his first State of the Nation address in eight years. (AFP)

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe said Tuesday in his first State of the Nation address in eight years that he welcomed Western assistance in his country’s economy – the first such statement in a decade and a half of strained relations with the US and Europe.

The 91-year-old veteran president was booed and heckled by opposition politicians over the deteriorating economy as he delivered a policy speech that lasted less than half an hour in Parliament.

Mugabe also called for strengthening of ties with multilateral institutions, which include the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

“My government values re-engagement of the Western world in the Zimbabwe economy,” he said Continue reading Zim economy: Mugabe asks the West for help

Judge orders immigrant families released from detention

AZ Central
Seth Robbins

An immigrant from El Salvador that entered the country illegally wears an ankle monitor at a shelter, Monday, July 27, 2015, in San Antonio. Lawyers representing immigrant mothers held in a South Texas detention center say the women have been denied counsel and coerced into accepting ankle-monitoring bracelets as a condition of release, even after judges made clear that paying their bonds would suffice. (Photo: Eric Gay/AP)

SAN ANTONIO — A federal judge in California has ordered the government to release immigrant children from family detention centers “without unnecessary delay,” and with their mothers when possible, according to court papers.

In a filing late Friday, California U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee refused the government’s request to reconsider her ruling in late July that children held in family detention centers after crossing the US-Mexico border illegally must be released rapidly. Continue reading Judge orders immigrant families released from detention

African Youth to Combat New Forms of Slavery and Colonization

Press Release Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) Secretariat

The youth in Africa have been called upon to combat the new forms of slavery and colonization on the continent. This appeal was made by the President of the Episcopal Conference of the the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Bishop Nicola Djomo, at the opening ceremony of a meeting of Pan-African Catholic Youth and Children that is being held in Kinshasa, DRC from August 21-25, 2 015. Continue reading African Youth to Combat New Forms of Slavery and Colonization