Buffett: Tax Me and My Mega-Rich Friends

Common Dreams

WASHINGTON — Billionaire investor Warren Buffett urged U.S. lawmakers Monday to raise taxes on wealthier Americans to cut Washington’s huge budget deficit, saying the move would not dampen investments or jobs.  In a New York Times opinion article, the chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway proposed a tax increase on Americans who make at least $1 million per year and an additional increase on those making $10 million or more. Continue reading Buffett: Tax Me and My Mega-Rich Friends

NGOs, academics call for abolition of nuclear plants

Japan Times

Speakers liken current policy to wartime tactics


Antinuclear nongovernmental organizations and academics called for the complete abolition of nuclear power plants in Japan on Monday, the 66th anniversary of the end of World War II.   Drawing parallels between the nation’s nuclear policy and the Imperial Japanese Army — both of which caused unwarranted grief to the public — University of Tokyo professor Tetsuya Takahashi urged the government to revise the nation’s energy infrastructure.  “Having a group of people profit from the sacrifice of the public is wrong,” Takahashi said, stressing that the people in Fukushima have had their lives torn asunder since March 11. Continue reading NGOs, academics call for abolition of nuclear plants