Libya: archbishop protests after NATO bombs hit food stores

 Independent Catholic News

Mgr Giovanni Innocenzo  Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli has protested at NATO bombing of civilian targets in his diocese. “They are hitting civilian targets such as food stores” he said. “A few days ago, NATO warplanes hit a food store just outside Tripoli, which contained oil, pasta, tomato sauce. A river of oil came out of the warehouse which was destroyed. I know they have also hit a social centre. By what right does one hit a food centre? “ He said: “Although I cannot personally verify it I have had reports of demonstrations in the mountains near Tripoli in favor of Gaddafi. Even here, there were bombings. I have no news about casualties, and I do not think there are any, but it is clear that all of this is aimed at  frightening  people.”

Mgr Martinelli, also said people are suffering from stress because of the bombing each night. He said the Church in Tripoli has a good relationship with Libyans. “Two days ago a group of women came to thank us for our the prayers for peace. Yesterday a gentleman gave us a basket of figs, saying ‘these figs are for you because you are a sign of friendship’ “.