The Story of a New Economy

YES! Magazine

Just as stories fabricated by Wall Street are an instrument of social control, authentic stories are an instrument of liberation. (Photo by Yeonsang)

We’re in the midst of a contest of competing stories—one fabricated to serve the interests of Empire; the other an authentic story born of the experience and aspirations of ordinary people.

by David Korten
Some years ago the Filipino activist-philosopher Nicanor Perlas shared an insight with me that has since been a foundation of my work. Each of the three institutional sectors—business, government, and civil society—has its distinctive power competence. Business commands the power of money. Government commands the coercive power of the police and military. Civil society commands the power of authentic moral values communicated through authentic cultural stories. Moral authority ultimately trumps the power of money and guns. Therefore, civil society holds the ultimate power advantage. Continue reading The Story of a New Economy

Monsanto in Haiti

Pambazuka News
Beverly Bell
Last spring, Haiti’s minister of agriculture gave agribusiness giant Monsanto permission to ‘donate’ 505 tonnes of seeds to Haiti ‘to support the reconstruction effort’. A year later, Beverly Bell asks what has become of the seeds that Monsanto gave, and ‘how real was the fear of Haitian farmer organizations that the donation was a Trojan horse?’ Continue reading Monsanto in Haiti

Campaigners seek arrest of former CIA legal chief over Pakistan drone attacks

The Guardian

UK human rights lawyer leads bid to have John Rizzo arrested over claims he approved attacks that killed hundreds of people

The CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Photograph: Danita Delimont/Getty Images/Gallo Images

Campaigners against US drone strikes in Pakistan are calling for the CIA’s former legal chief to be arrested and charged with murder for approving attacks that killed hundreds of people. Continue reading Campaigners seek arrest of former CIA legal chief over Pakistan drone attacks

South Africa celebrates Nelson Mandela’s 93rd birthday


A picture released by the Mandela Family shows South Africa"s iconic elder statesman Nelson Mandela (2ndL), dubbed Madiba, celebrating his birthday with his family in Qunu on July 18, 2011 as baby Zama Obiri cuts the cake with Mbuso Mandela Nelson Mandela spent the day with his family. Photo AFP

South Africans are celebrating former President Nelson Mandela’s 93rd birthday.

His foundation urged people to do 67 minutes of voluntary work on the day – to represent the 67 years he devoted to South Africa’s political struggle.

The anti-apartheid icon spent the day with family in his home village of Qunu in the Eastern Cape, where he was also visited by President Jacob Zuma. Continue reading South Africa celebrates Nelson Mandela’s 93rd birthday

Cardinal Turkson praises National J&P Conference

Independent Catholic News
By: Jo Siedlecka

David McLoughlin with chair Maria Elena Arana

‘Justice at work – A place of safety, fulfillment and growth?’ was the theme of this year’s National Justice and Peace Network annual conference which took place at Swanwick this weekend. Nearly 400  representatives from England and Wales took part in three days of talks, workshops, prayer and social gathering.In a message ahead of the conference, Cardinal Peter Turkson  president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace said:  ‘I wish first and foremost to congratulate the NJPN for holding a meeting to consider Justice as indispensable condition for peace, fulfillment and growth. Continue reading Cardinal Turkson praises National J&P Conference

Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans’ Wealth Is Stolen

Common Dreams
by Dennis Kucinich
The rancorous debate over the debt belies a fundamental truth of our economy — that it is run for the few at the expense of the many, that our entire government has been turned into a machine which takes the wealth of a mass of Americans and accelerates it into the hands of the few. Let me give you some examples.

Take war. War takes the money from the American people and puts it into the hands of arms manufacturers, war profiteers, and private armies. The war in Iraq, based on lies: $3 trillion will be the cost of that war. The war in Afghanistan; based on a misreading of history; half a trillion dollars in expenses already. The war against Libya will be $1 billion by September. Continue reading Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans’ Wealth Is Stolen

Bishops of Central America, Caribbean and North America on Migration

Declaration of the meeting held in San Jose, Costa Rica
We, Catholic Bishops in charge of human migration commissions meeting in San José, Costa Rica, from 1 to June 3, 2011, together with religious, lay people, participants of CELAM and Caritas International, committed to the reality of immigration, express our solidarity with our brothers and sisters who migrate in search of a better life in this region.

Witness the great suffering experienced by migrants in our countries and regions, who are victims of exploitation and abuse by various actors (public officials, unscrupulous employers and criminal organizations), again we urge our governments to take responsibility for the legal protection of migrants, including job seekers, asylum seekers, refugees, and victims of trafficking. We call special attention and protection for families, women and children. Continue reading Bishops of Central America, Caribbean and North America on Migration

Afghanistan: ‘Deadliest six months’ for civilians


Security forces by a bomb-damaged car in Kunduz, Afghanistan (19 June 2011)
The figures show that violence remains commonplace for many Afghan civilians

The first six months of 2011 were the deadliest for civilians in Afghanistan since the war began in 2001, a UN report has found.

The country saw 1,462 civilian deaths in January to June, a 15% increase on the same period last year.

Most of the deaths were caused by roadside bombs and anti-government forces such as the Taliban. Continue reading Afghanistan: ‘Deadliest six months’ for civilians