Britain: Give us back our money

Daily Nation


British High Commissioner Rob Macaire fields questions during a visit to Africa Sports and Talents Empowerment Programme offices in Eldoret when he said the British Government would like to see decisive steps taken before it could resume supporting Free Primary Education.

Britain is demanding a refund of Sh7 billion aid to Kenya’s free education programme following revelations of massive corruption.

“The UK Government will push the Government of Kenya hard for return of the UK’s share of lost funds,” the Department for International Development (DFID) said in a statement.  During an interview in Nairobi, DFID deputy head Mike Harrison said the money once repaid will be ploughed back to fund education in Kenya but through non-State channels. Continue reading Britain: Give us back our money

Peru Revokes Permit for Giant Dam on Amazon Tributary

The Inambari River and land that would be flooded if the dam were to be built.

“The resolution states that all future proposed projects must be subjected to prior consultation with local communities according to ILO Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, which is an important precedent,” said Santos

LIMA, Peru, June 16, 2011 (ENS) – After years of community opposition, a 2,000 megawatt dam planned for construction on a major Amazonian tributary, has been cancelled, the government of Peru announced Tuesday. The dam was to have been built across the Inambari River in Madre de Dios province.  For the past 36 days, some 2,000 people in the Puno area blocked access roads to the region and held mass protests to convince the government to cancel mining concessions and the dam project.  To appease the strikers, the government established a high-level commission to review the Inambari dam. Continue reading Peru Revokes Permit for Giant Dam on Amazon Tributary

Food crises: five priorities for the G20

An Indian labourer loads onions into sacks before putting them into storage in Bangalore. In developing countries, 30% of crops and 40% of fruits and vegetables are lost because of lack of adequate storage facilities. Photo: Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP/Getty Images

The Guardian

Hunger is not a natural disaster – it’s a political problem. And G20 leaders can and must act to end this scandal.

In the fight to address global food crises, will the French presidency at the G20 summit succeed where others have failed? On the eve of the G20 agriculture summit on 22-23 June, we urgently need to adopt an ambitious action plan. G20 leaders have a decisive role to play in Paris: they must tackle the problems in the food system. Continue reading Food crises: five priorities for the G20

Abuja blast ‘hits’ Nigeria police headquarters


An emergency official told Reuters news agency that a suspected suicide bomber had died in the explosion.  A large plume of smoke can be seen rising from near the building. No-one has claimed responsibility for the attack.  However, Islamist group Boko Haram has recently been targeting police and government officials.  The BBC’s Jonah Fisher in Lagos says for the Nigerian authorities the attack is an embarrassing strike at the very heart of their security establishment.  “A suicide bomber died in the incident and many vehicles were destroyed,” a spokesman for the National Emergency Management Agency said.  Residents say the explosion was heard across the city. Continue reading Abuja blast ‘hits’ Nigeria police headquarters

Obama Calls for Ceasefire in Sudan Crisis

News from Africa

Khartoum, Sudan

US President Barack Obama has called for a ceasefire in the escalating clashes in the border state of Southern Kordofan between Sudanese army and militia forces aligned to South Sudan’s Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).  In an audio recorded message to the people of Sudan and its leaders President Obama called for an immediate cease of military operations by the Sudanese government to prevent further escalation of the crisis.   “The government of Sudan must prevent a further escalation of this crisis by ceasing its military actions immediately, including aerial bombardments, forced displacements and campaigns of intimidation,” he said. Continue reading Obama Calls for Ceasefire in Sudan Crisis