Strauss-Kahn: a metaphor for IMF practices

Leonardo Boff
Earthcharter Commission

One might think that it is a tragedy that the head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, succumbed to his vice, the obsessive search for perverse sex.  Running naked after a Black maid in suite 2806 of the Sofitel Hotel in New York City, he grabbed and forced her to have sex. The details were thoroughly described by the New York District Attorney.  For the sake of decency, I will not repeat them.  It was not a tragedy for him: it was just one more person in this world whom he has victimized. Afterwards, he got dressed, and went directly to the airport. Continue reading Strauss-Kahn: a metaphor for IMF practices

Peru election: Ollanta Humala claims victory


Peru’s Ollanta Humala has declared victory over rival Keiko Fujimori in the presidential election run-off.  With 80% of votes counted, the leftist ex-soldier has 50.7% of the vote – 1.4 percentage points ahead of his conservative rival.  In his victory speech, he promised that poor Peruvians would share the country’s mineral wealth and benefit from its impressive economic growth.  Ms Fujimori is the daughter of jailed ex-president Alberto Fujimori. Continue reading Peru election: Ollanta Humala claims victory